PR Newswire Service Terms & Conditions

Party A:Customer

乙方:美速通商務(wù)咨詢(上海)有限公司 / 美速通商務(wù)咨詢(上海)有限公司北京分公司 / 美通國際傳播(深圳)有限公司

Whereas the subscription services provided by Party B to Party A and the matters to be observed in the process of provision, Party A and Party B have reached an agreement upon this “PR Newswire Service Terms & Conditions” (hereinafter referred to as “the Service Terms & Conditions”). Both Parties confirm that, the Service Terms & Conditions and its amendments, as well as the applied criteria in accordance with the Service Terms & Conditions and their amendments, shall apply to the service orders achieved between Party A and Party B.


The following terms, which are used in the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order, have the meanings ascribed to them below:

“Affiliate” means an entity is controlled by, controls, or other entities is under control with the subject entity. Here, “Control” means direct or indirect ownership or control of more than 50% of the voting interests of the subject entity.

“Covered Parties” means one Party and its directors, agents, officers, employees, representatives, successors, assigns or Affiliates.

“PR Newswire Service System” means Party B uses tools, databases, APIs, software, websites, etc., created by Party B or its Affiliates, during the provisions of PR Newswire service.

“Data” means text, images, videos, images and other written or electronic data.

“PR Newswire Service” means Party B provides the services subscribed by Party A (including related services provided by Party B’s Affiliates to Party A through Party B). The details of the service are set out in the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order. The types of the services include, but are not limited to, news distribution services, media communication services, media monitoring services, teleconferencing services, and investor relations website services.

“PR Newswire Service Order” means a separate order, which is concerned about Party A’s subscription and Party B’s services, achieved between Party A and Party B, including any attachments and supplements to the order.

“Third Party” means the Parties other than Party A, Party B, and Party B’s Affiliates.

PR Newswire Service Order

When Party A subscribes the PR Newswire service from Party B or Party B’s Affiliates, both Parties shall sign the corresponding PR Newswire Service Order in accordance with the attached template.

PR Newswire’s Service Order is effective as of the date of signature or stamp by both parties. Except as otherwise expressly agreed in the PR Newswire Service Order, PR Newswire’s Service Order is subject to the Service Terms & Conditions, Party A and Party B’s amendments to the Service Terms & Conditions from time to time, as well as automatically updated content in accordance with the Service Terms & Conditions.

Compliance with PR Newswire Service Criteria

Party A signs PR Newswire Service Order, as well as uses the PR Newswire service system, which is deemed that Party A agrees to comply with the PR Newswire criteria released by Party B’s group from time to time, including the PR Newswire Press Release Acceptability and PR Newswire Service System Usage Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as “PR Newswire criteria”). Party A shall not claim that it is not applicable to the PR Newswire criteria on the grounds that it has not signed the criteria.

Representations & Warranties of Party B

Representations about PR Newswire Service

Party B has the authority and ability to authorize Party A to use the PR Newswire Service System and to provide Party A with the services or content specified in the PR Newswire Service Order. However, Party B does not warrant that PR Newswire’s services will be free from errors, including omissions, interruptions, delays, losses or defects, whether human or mechanical.

Representations about the Third Party

When the PR Newswire’s services contain third parties’ rights, Party B declares and undertakes to obtain reasonable authorization from such third parties when signing the PR Newswire Service Order.

When the services provided by Party B includes third-party products or services (including but not limited to third-party network links, third-party software, third-party hardware devices), Party A place an order with Party B for such third-party products or services, which is deemed that Party A accepts all the terms or conditions that such third parties publish on their products or services, and the content retained by third parties is subject to the final interpretation of the third party.

Part of services provided by Party B to Party A may require assistance from third parties, including but not limited to require third-party independent media to open media data, media content, media monitoring information, etc. to Party B, and require third parties to establish information utilization authorization relationship with Party B. Party B shall do its utmost to obtain the assistance of the third parties or establish a cooperative relationship with the third parties, but shall not be liable to Party A for acts and restrictions made by the third parties.

Since a third party’s products or services infringe Party A’s rights or cause Party A’s damage, if Party A intends to make a complaint or claim against a third party, Party B shall provide Party A with evidence of Party A’s use of such third party’s products or services and assist Party A to make a claim against the third party.


Except for the express authorization or license in the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order, the signing of the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order and their contents shall not be construed as Party B grants or licenses any rights to Party A. For Party A’s data, Party B shall not be responsible for the final confirmation, verification and correction unless otherwise agreed.

Representations & Warranties of Party A

The Data of Party A

Party A undertakes that it has valid title or license to all Party A’s data and has all rights necessary to authorize Party B to use Party A’s data in accordance with the Service Terms & Conditions or PR Newswire Service Order.

For the purpose to complete the service under the PR Newswire Service Order, Party A agrees to authorize Party B freely to distribute, copy, transmit (information network), adapt, annotate, organize and translate Party A’s data worldwide (but the PR Newswire Service Order is subject to the agreement of the order for the limited time of the release area), and such rights may be re-licensed or sub-licensed. However, Party B shall not substantially change the content of Party A’s data, and the re-licensing and sub-licensing shall not beyond the purpose of PR Newswire’s Service Order.

Representations about the Third Party

When Party A’s data contains the third party’s portraits, works, trademarks, etc., Party A is obliged to offer Party B a written certificate, which the third-party grants Party A to use the relevant rights. Such written certificate shall be at least a scanned copy or a copy of the original one signed by a third party or its authorized representatives (including the authorized representative designated by the third party, or other supporting documents sufficient to indicate that the authorized representative has the authority to sign). Party A shall ensure that the scanned copies or copies are identical to the original one, and Party B has the right to request verification of the original one at any time. The scope of third-party authorization shall cover the scope authorized by Party A to Party B in accordance with Article 5.1 of the Service Terms & Conditions.

If Party A submits data infringing the rights of third parties to Party B, causing Party B, Party B covered parties and Party B’s partners to be claimed for infringement by third parties, Party A shall be responsible for corresponding resolutions, and make up for the actual loss of Party B, Party B covered parties and Party B’s partners. If the relevant disputes enter the judicial process such as litigation or arbitration, Party A agrees to participate in the procedures as a third party.

Release Cancellation

If the data submitted by Party A exists illegal content, wrong content, content infringing third parties’ rights, and other circumstances in which Party B reasonably judges that it is not suitable for release, Party A promises to cooperate with Party B to make relevant amendments to the data. If it is impossible to eliminate the situation that is not suitable for release, Party A agrees to cooperate with Party B for non-release or deletion. If the above-mentioned conditions cause damages to Party B, Party B has the right to investigate Party A’s liability for breach of contract.

After Party A’s data is released, Party A shall contact Party B for any request about the data. Party A shall not arbitrarily contact Party B’s partners who has released Party A’s data and shall not submit any request including but not limited to release cancellations. Party B reserves the rights to request Party A to revoke the responsibilities for arbitrarily release cancellations from Party B’s partners, including but not limited to the termination of the Service Terms & Conditions without liability for breach of contract.


Party A’s authorization to Party B is limited to Party A’s final confirmation of Party A’s data and does not include other Party A’s information or content disclosed to Party B during the process of producing Party A’s data.

Fees and Payment


For the consideration of PR Newswire’s services, Party A and Party B agree to pay in accordance with the amount (including tax) and payment method agreed in the PR Newswire Service Order. Regardless of whether there is an agreement in the service order of PR Newswire, Party B shall issue an invoice for each payment. Therefore, Party A shall notify Party B in advance of the correct invoice information. Party A shall promptly notify Party B when the invoice information of Party A has been changed. Party A shall be liable for any delay in the issuance of invoices or any additional expenses incurred by Party B, due to Party A’s failure to notify in time.

When Party A delays payment, Party B shall have the right to suspend the provisions of relevant PR Newswire services from the date of Party A’s deferred payment until Party A completes the payment, and Party A shall bear late charges at the rate of 5‰ per day from the due date of payment. Nevertheless, if Party A’s certain payment is extended for more than 3 months, Party B has the right to cancel all PR Newsletter service orders that Party A has not completed.


Party A and Party B agree to hold confidentiality obligations for the information of the other party, the other party’s covered parties or the other party’s customers which they know or be aware of during the negotiation, signing and performance of the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire’s service orders. Both parties are limited to the disclosure of secret information to interested parties who need to know the information within the purpose and scope of fulfilling the service order of PR Newswire, and the parties involved should also be obliged to hold confidentiality obligations.

The following circumstances are not treated as confidential information; thus, the provisions of this Article are not applicable.

Information is generally available to the public at the time of disclosure;

Information becomes generally available to the public after disclosure through no breach of agreement or other wrongful act by the Receiving Party;

Information is independently developed by the Receiving Party or is rightfully received from a third party without any obligation of confidentiality.

Nevertheless, if the law requires the government or the judiciary to make an order to disclose confidential information, the party who obtains the confidential information has the right to disclose the information as required but should notify the provider of the confidential information immediately after the disclosure.


Liability for breach of contract: A party who violates the Service Terms & Conditions or PR Newswire Service Order, shall be liable to the other party for breach of the contract according to the law. The liability for breach of contract does not affect the right of the other party to require the defaulting party to stop the breach. Nevertheless, Party B’s liability for breach of contract for Party A about PR Newswire service is limited to the actual direct loss of Party A or Party A’s covered parties, excluding indirect losses such as expected benefits or punitive damages, and such liability is limited to the full fee charged by Party B in accordance with the related PR Newswire’s service orders.

Force Majeure: Any party may be affected by force majeure (including but not limited to natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, typhoons, etc.; public service problems such as power outages, network disconnection, transportation, postal delivery, etc.; social environment changes such as policy adjustments, regulatory changes, parade strikes, etc.) and later influence the performance of the Service Terms & Conditions or PR Newswire Service Order, shall not be liable for breach of contract. However, the party that affected by force majeure shall promptly notify the other party to mitigate the possible losses and provide relevant evidence of the occurrence of force majeure within a reasonable period of time.

Applicable Law: The Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order will be governed exclusively by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.

Compliance with the Law: Party A and Party B shall comply with applicable laws and regulations in the signing and performance of the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order. Although the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order are governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China, if a PR Newswire service is required to comply with other international or regional laws other than the laws of the People’s Republic of China, both parties shall comply with such applicable laws.

Disputes: All disputes arising from the Service Terms & Conditions and PR Newswire Service Order shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiations. In the event that no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall be submitted for litigation to the people’s court with jurisdiction at the place where Party B is located.

Anti-corruption: Party A and Party B agree to comply with the provisions of any applicable laws and regulations on anti-corruption and anti-commercial bribery, and shall not request, accept, offer, or accept any inappropriate benefits from the other party, the other party’s covered parties, or third parties and related parties in the service of PR Newswire, including but not limited to cash, shopping cards, physical goods, securities, travel or other non-material benefits. When both parties intend to implement legal discounts and price reductions, they should be clearly stated in the PR Newswire Service Order.

Waiver: No failure or delay by either Party in exercising any right, power or remedy will operate as a waiver of such right, power or remedy, and no waiver will be effective unless it is in writing and signed by the waiving Party. If either Party waives any right, power or remedy, such waiver shall be construed as a waiver of any successive or other right, power or remedy.


Signing Authority: Party A and Party B confirm that the Service Terms & Conditions and each signed PR Newswire service order are approved by the internal authorities of both Parties. One party may not claim the Service Terms & Conditions or PR Newswire Service Order is not established or invalid without internal approval.

Legal Effect: The Service Terms & Conditions are effective as soon as they are signed and there is no termination period. Unless Party A and Party B agree to terminate the Service Terms & Conditions, or the Service Terms & Conditions is rescinded in accordance with the relevant regulations, otherwise each signing of a PR Newswire’s service order between Party A and Party B shall be deemed as confirmation and recognition of the validity of the Service Terms & Conditions.

Termination: After the Service Terms & Conditions is terminated, the contents of the Service Terms & Conditions is still valid for the PR Newswire’s service orders that were signed at the time the Service Terms & Conditions came into effect but have not been fulfilled. It shall last until such orders have been fulfilled. After the termination of the Service Terms & Conditions, or after the completion of the services under the PR Newswire Service Order, Party A shall be responsible for preserving itself relevant data. Party B shall not be responsible for storing, searching or providing any Party A’s data.

Severability: The provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable, and the unenforceability of any one or more provisions shall not affect the enforceability of any other provisions. In addition, if any provision of this Agreement, for any reason, is declared to be unenforceable, the Parties shall substitute an enforceable provision that, to the maximum extent possible in accordance with applicable law, preserves the original intentions and economic positions of the Parties.

Notice:Notices relating to the Service Terms & Conditions or PR Newswire Service Order should be sent to the following persons or addresses of the notified party:

Party A: the authorized representative of Party A or the user who logs in the PR Newswire Information System. More detailed information please refer to the PR Newswire Service Order.

Party B:please refer to address set out in the PR Newswire Service Order.
